Sunday, 3 June 2012

My Proposal in Detail

Hi All

Further to my last Blog Entry I have now commited to achieiving the John Muir Award for myself. I have been reading Cherry Good's Book On The Trail of John Muir. The more I have read the more I have come to know the man. The more I have read about him the more he has completely blown me away.

John Muir was a passionate moral ethical individual who treated the environment with respect who treated everyone the same be them friend or stranger and in so doing like he has with me encouraged me and engaged me to do more explore more discover more share more and in so doing make the world in which I live and move a little bit better.

My Proposal in detail

John Muir Award Proposal Form
Outline your activity and describe how you will meet
the four John Muir Award Challenges

This Proposal Form is an aid to your planning and delivery of a John Muir Award, at Discovery,
Explorer or Conserver Level. It enables Award staff to offer support and advice, and help ensure that your Proposal will lead to successful completion of Awards.
Please note that responsibility for ensuring adequate health & safety, legal and insurance arrangements lies with the group/organisation (or individual/ family) that is setting up activity towards achieving John Muir Awards.

To register, forward a copy of your Proposal Form to the Award office at least 2 weeksbefore starting. Please refer to for Award Criteria, Information Handbook and further guidance.

Seamus Corry

Any organisations or partners helping towards this Award?
Country Side Rangers Service Clackmannanshire
TCV Stirling

For Award level:
Discovery.Explorer, Conserver.

Summary of Award Proposal
For Award level:
Having read and continue to research more and more about the life and works of John Muir I am inspired to discovery more about my own local area. I am surrounded by rolling high with plan view of The Ochil Hills, pathways wild spaces and local wild life dams

I want to discovery what lurks beneath what I have been missing out in what I have become oblivious to in my own area. John Muir has challenged me to rediscover the beauty that surrounds me. I want to commit a year of my life to diving in to local nature beauty and discover explore and conserve working with local group the beauty and environment that surrounds me.

I am committed to achieving The Discovery Explorer and Conserver Award over the next Year

Group background:
Start date: Finish date:
I will commit to spending one day a week over the next year to work on my award

Outline how your Proposal meets the four John Muir Award Challenges

For more ideas and Case Studies visit

The 4 Award Challenges:

What are you going to do and how?

Discover a Wild Place
Identify a wild place (or places) on which to focus your activity. This can be a garden, school grounds, a park or beach, local woodland, a mountain range or river, or any other place with natural character.
Experience it, enjoy it, become comfortable in it, see it in different seasons, times of day, weather conditions, in company or on your own…

Over the next year I intend to explore my own local area and through guided walks speaking to local Rangers discover the area where I live. I will make contact with the local rangers service and discover the beauty which is Clackmannanshire in a new way
Throughout I will keep a log of my discoveries and use this log also for planning my next steps
Explore it
Explore and travel extensively, by walking, camping, canoeing… or just sitting, looking and listening, in order to understand and appreciate more about it.
What makes it wild? Is it a special place - why?
How do wild things (plants, animals, insects, birds, people) depend on each other?
Use all your senses. Make a map, do a wildlife survey, identify plants, animals, birds. Take photographs, videos or sound diaries. Paint or draw plants, animals and landscapes. Keep a nature diary.

I have identified I have many wild spaces already that I not explored I intend to explore these in more depth climb the hills of Dumyat and Ben Cleuch. I will carry out personal research about the biodiversity in these areas how it all connects together. I will map it and note any special natural ingredients. I will take photos, keep a log book speak to local specialists and become more appreciative of the place I live in
Do something to Conserve it
Take some personal responsibility for conserving and protecting a wild place through practical action.
This could involve enhancing biodiversity, campaigning or fundraising; wildlife or pollution surveys, litter cleanups; planting trees, shrubs or wildflowers, creating wildlife habitats or clearing invasive plants.

I will work with TCV conserve my local area and support this organisation to maintain the local areas of natural beauty which surround my home. I will also investigate how I can work more closely to improve and maintain my own area working closely with my local rangers service either shadowing them in their work or taking part in a work party with The John Muir Trust
Share your Experiences
Tell people about your own experiences; share your knowledge, thoughts and feelings.
Make an exhibition of photos, paintings, drawings, or words. Organise a presentation with slides, film or photos. Lead a guided walk around the place where you’ve been completing your Award. Review and discuss your experience of nature with others.

I have already begun to share my experiences using my own personal Blog page

I intend with your support using social Media to develop an online blogpage to share my experiences and discoveries as well as my John Muir Journey over the next Year.

I have also offered my services as a facilitator/Trainer to share my experiences of carrying out the award with others

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